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This discovery workshop is available for you to lead yourself into defining key elements of your brand. The purpose of this workshop is for you to have a clear understanding of your business and market. You'll will walk away with confidence in their brand, and a clear written guide of the brand's purpose, mission statement, plans and target audience. Give this information to your brand designer as it willl lead the design process.


Completing this workbook, you will have a strategy map with clear details on how to move forward with your branding and marketing.


You will need:
- Canva 


What to do:
- Instant download will be available and sent to your email address, with link to the Canva template
- Read thoroughly, answer the prompts by replacing the text on the lines
- Research your market and competitors when prompted

To book a session with the brand expert, Artish Design, book the 2-hour workshop

Brand Discovery Workbook

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